We offer professional carpet cleaning of living spaces such as apartments, townhomes, duplexes, and single-family homes. Additionally, we service interior hallways, offices, restaurants, and many other commercial spaces! Our basic service is a steam clean with a light deodorizer. Below you will find extra services we offer in addition to your clean to make your carpet look as good as new!

Extra Services

Extra Services

Many stains come out with the basic steam cleaning, but we offer service for stains that need a little extra care. For bleach stains, our technicians re-dye the carpet to its original color. Others, like red stains caused by juice, wine, and other red colored substances, require specific chemicals technicians carry to rid of discoloration.

Stain Removal

Our repair services include, but are not limited to: Patches (with carpet taken from the back of a closet or spare carpet if provided), stretching (wrinkles in the carpet), kick ins (stretching back into the transition metal) transition metal replacements, and tac strip repairs.


Fiber Bright

This treatment is to help with with those very dark high traffic areas that are tough to get out and need a more aggressive treatment.

Pets are part of many tenants families, but they don't always make it outside to use the bathroom. We offer Urine restorations to completely remove the urine from the front and back of the carpet. This treatment works for all types cats, dogs and humans too!

Urine Restoration

We recommend this machine when there are lingering odors, such as pet dander, cooking smells, and smoke, that cannot be removed with a carpet cleaning treatment. This treatment is usually placed on dry carpet and needs to run for 8 to 10 hours in the unit for full affect.

Ozone Rental


This treatment is to help with any lingering musty, stinky smells to help your unit smell fresh and clean!